Best to disconnect…

A few disconnected thoughts – or maybe not – before disappearing for the weekend. I really, really do not want to be near any form of news these next few days. Childish? Absolutely. Would I encourage wilful ignorance in the students I teach? Absolutely not. However, I’ve completed my latest round of report cards, I’ve been in the city for too many days in a row, the weather has been unseasonably warm, and I’m not prepared to witness a petulant, thin-skinned, and self-serving individual assume the presidential mantle. Tetchy? Yup. It’s off to a cabin in Yoho I go. Yes, I can be petulant, thin-skinned, and self-serving, but I’m not a liar on a grand scale.

Chinook arch, Monday. Yuck.

Phew, I think I need the break! It has been horribly warm in the city, with temperatures rising from -30C to plus 9C in a few days. A chinook wind has been blowing and the snow has been melting, and with it all my hopes of a classic Canadian winter. To be fair, chinooks are a common feature of a Calgary winter. I simply detest slush – the early morning frozen slush and icy patches, the late morning semi-slush, and then the afternoon wet slush once again. Repeat ’til depressed. All with a wearying west wind dragging me down and inducing lethargy and a headache. (Well, this really is a whiny and petulant poor me post this week!)

Yuck. Headache.

On the final day of our learn to ski/snowboard adventures last week, a student managed to wipe me out in spectacular style. Didn’t feel it at the time, and nor did I feel the consequences of students hanging on to my arms and hands (with a steely death grip I’d no idea children had in them) as they begged and pleaded for me not to let go. (Good man that I am, I assured them I wouldn’t let go – I simply loosened my mitts and enjoyed the stunned look as they realized they were holding empty mitts and riding backwards. Success. Payback for my untrustworthiness has been in the form of bruises, aches and pains all this week – back to my whining again…)

Please refreeze! Whiny voice.

Time to end on a positive note! Before we took the students skiing/snowboarding, they researched a few of the usual suspects when it comes to role models on snow. Nothing wrong with that, but we’re not all going to be pro-boarders and Olympians, although have at it if that’s your goal. We did discover a far more interesting individual. If my whining and negativity here has you shaking your head – and I don’t blame you, haha – please check out the link below. It lifted me out of my mini “poor me” slump, and delivered an exhilarating kick in the pants. This guy is simply wonderful and for so many reasons. His philosophy has been well and truly tested. Check this out (you’ll be glad you did!):

Powder Philosophy

Did you watch it? What a guy, what a role model – I’m looking forward to aging gracefully and maintaining positivity and equilibrium. Or trying, anyway. Can’t wait to get to Yoho and disconnect to reconnect. Tetchy? Yes, a little – but as George says, life is good. Not Disney, but good!

Oh, Yoho! Good.

Thanks for reading, and have a wonderful weekend! I’ll try and write something less childish next time…

Double Mountain. Double, you say? Oh, go on then!

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I am a would be outdoorsman - that is if I had more time, skills and knowledge. When I can, I love being outdoors, just camping, hiking, snowboarding, xc skiing, snowshoeing, paddling a canoe or trying something new. What I lack in ability, I make up for in enthusiasm and having a go. I'd never really survive for long out there in the wild, but I enjoy pretending I could if I had to...

24 thoughts on “Best to disconnect…”

  1. My escape today will be painting. I hope that you enjoy your weekend escape….make the most of it! I loved the link about powder philosophy, so…..after all ‘it will be great!’ 😉 sorry, I couldn’t resist! lol


    1. I wouldn’t normally want to wish away time, but I could make an exception…I don’t think the next 4 years will fly by. Still, measured in mountain time, it’s nothing really!
      Have a wonderful week!


  2. A good friend in South Carolina says that she and her husband feel like stunned fish. I couldn’t have said it better. I have choreographed the day to avoid TV altogether. Posted to my blog and hit the treadmill this morning. My trainer comes at noon, after which I will spend several hours rereading the Iliad (that tale of rage, war and woe seems all too appropriate), followed by dinner with a friend in a good restaurant. Not sure how much wine will be consumed.

    Enjoy your break. Too bad it can’t last four years.


    1. Loved how you got your day organized to avoid the unpleasantness – hope it worked out well, and that you can repeat for 4 years…
      Your latest post about further Arctic river adventures was wonderful. Looking forward to the next instalment(s), and you’ve always got it as a possible future escape. Splendid self-imposed semi-isolation.


      1. Heading to the cabin tomorrow with two friends,two small dogs. Just having lunch there & back out.They’re going to be doing the same trip as you & Judy did. No wet feet this time!


      2. Sounds like you’ve got a great day ahead – enjoy!
        That’s quite a boatful, but your friends will be better planners than we were and bring spare socks with them. Have a good trip!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Boy did I ever love that video, pc. I noticed your “yucks” disappeared after that video, I know mine did. Coming from a 98-year-old skier, there is no better advice: “Make the most of what you got.” I’m moving forward with the powder philosophy….


    1. Thanks, Jet! We found George and his attitude irresistible – any age, any ability, have a go, make the most of it, and you’ll probably be fine. Better than not having a go!
      I know you’ve always had more than a sprinkling of the powder philosophy, but isn’t it fun to see it articulated by George?!
      Have a wonderful week!


  4. Can’t blame you for wanting to disconnect this weekend, pc; we’re doing the same here in NYS. My god, what has this country done… But your words here, and the super power of the “powder philosophy” will get this fellow through it, on the slopes, in the trout stream, on the trail to elsewhere– and sanity will prevail!


    1. Disconnecting was a good choice! Can’t hide, but can still appreciate the streams, lakes, hills and mountains, and take the sane view that when all this is measured in mountain time and river flow, it’ll just be a rock fall or ripple in the grander scheme. A little powder philosophy can’t hurt either. (I have to admit to catching up with some of the weekend “highlights” when we got home. You honestly couldn’t make it up…)
      Thanks, Walt, and, in the less political sphere, have a wonderful week!


  5. With our lousy weather, I was completely embracing the tetchy spirit of your post, but then you had to ruin all this great negativity with the Powder Philosophy. Thanks for including that link as a good reminder to “make the most of what you got” and I hope Yoho lifted your spirits this weekend!


    1. We did have a fine time in Yoho! Raised spirits and kept tetchy at bay (but who doesn’t revel in a little misery every now and then? There’s nothing wrong with that!)
      Thanks, and have a great week! I might go listen to The Smiths – misery and great humour in one 80s package…


  6. Hello Plaid Camper – thank you for the post. Hope you had a great disconnected week-end, and that Yoho welcomed you with cold weather!

    Have a great rest of the week.


    1. Hello Pandora – we had a great time in Yoho. Cold and sunny, with lots and lots of snow, all very restorative for this old misery.
      Thanks, and I hope you had a wonderful weekend and enjoy a great week ahead!


  7. I hope you enjoyed the weekend! I get unreasonably upset and worked up every time I open news/Facebook/any social media outlet. I’m taking part in some of the action here in Denver, but yes, I would love nothing more than a weekend of pure disconnect.


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