Falling on cedar

The snow, not me,  and thanks to David Guterson for the partial post heading.8DB864CE-7B5E-4F5E-81FA-B5319937F88F

Yes, snow really was falling on cedars out here on the coast last weekend. As much as one centimetre (!) fell where we are, and because the temperature was barely above freezing, a millimetre or two stuck around. It was quite the delight to watch young children scramble and scrabble to gather tiny amounts of poor quality snow and make a snowman. The ones they made may have been small, but they were loved.E183BBB4-F954-4C26-9CC4-1F585DFD13A1

We went out on Sunday morning, bundled up and bravely striding into the teeth of the blizzard. Oh, alright, there was barely a flurry, and skies even cleared somewhat. We slipped down the gangway and onto the Outer Harbour docks to take in the view of almost snow cloaked hills over the water. The gusts of wind did have some bite to them as they raced up the channel, promising more snow for later in the day.02610276-ABB8-4CAB-911E-14F5BE94ACBA

As excited, if not more so, as the children making mini snowmen, we wandered out again in the afternoon, expecting more snow according to the forecast. As we approached Big Beach (not so big, but bigger than Little Beach) proper snow began to fall – large flakes driven onto shore by an increasing wind. A mini blizzard!12B91662-1B2D-4F19-878A-3747490C90BA

On the beach, Scout was beside herself with winter happiness, jumping up to snap and catch snowflakes. Her inner husky was more than content. If dogs could laugh… It was quite something to be standing on a snowy beach when only the day before, we had been just up the coast enjoying warm(ish) sunshine sitting with our backs against a sun heated log.CDB48AB2-C715-407D-98A8-E3430CA769A9

Although the temperatures all this week have been about half what they normally are, it still feels mild, especially when compared to the Alberta winters we’ve enjoyed over the years. Yesterday afternoon, I managed to steal away for a pleasant half hour when an appointment got shifted to later, and I used the valuable time to get a small shot of Foggy Bean and sit down by Whiskey Landing. The sun was out, a bald eagle flew past, a harbour seal popped up, and gulls made their presence known. Not too bad for a February work day!

Yesterday, getting work done/get back to work!

I’ll leave it here, as I’ve got things to do – I can see a small pile of snow the sun hasn’t reached just outside our door, and I’m certain there’s enough to make one more teeny snowman. Snow person? Snow teenager? Or snow child? Snow baby?

Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


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I am a would be outdoorsman - that is if I had more time, skills and knowledge. When I can, I love being outdoors, just camping, hiking, snowboarding, xc skiing, snowshoeing, paddling a canoe or trying something new. What I lack in ability, I make up for in enthusiasm and having a go. I'd never really survive for long out there in the wild, but I enjoy pretending I could if I had to...

18 thoughts on “Falling on cedar”

  1. Enjoy it while it’s there, Adam! All the snow here is gone, for the most part (Monday registered 61 degrees?!) and the last few days have found me racing about northwest Pennsylvania trying to find enough snow for some desperate, last minute skiing. Mission accomplished, though I made myself sick schussing in the rain. Well worth it, and enjoy your micro-blizzard!


    1. Thanks, Bob! I admire your commitment to finding some decent snow, and here’s hoping you enjoy a little more before winter signs off…
      We’ve had more flurries over the weekend, but nothing to prompt dusting off the skis!
      Hope you’re feeling better, and have an enjoyable week ahead.


  2. I always enjoy reading your blog and can almost see you walking all the nice places in Ukee as we spent many years vacationing there or in Tofino (still do every fall). So glad you got Spencer back – we recently searched for one of our dogs but eventually got him back, turns out he’s hearing is gone due to old age. No more off leash time for Winston! Enjoy your snow while it lasts!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Amy! Yes, those dogs lead us on a marry dance from time to time, but I wouldn’t be without Scout.
      Glad you enjoy the blog, and it’s great you know the area here – it’s a beautiful place to be!
      Enjoy your week ahead!


  3. The enthusiasm of a dog will always lighten my outlook as I head out to the colder outdoors. Mind you if it is REALLY cold (-30’s) and they barely go out the door and pee on the porch, then quickly come in, can’t say I blame them.Like the photos of the snow and the boats. Have a good long weekend.


    1. You’re getting it really, really cold right now! Not missing the extreme cold, but a few snow adventures would be good…
      Yes, a dog brightens every day!
      Thanks, Jane, and enjoy the week to come.


  4. As usual your writing had me laughing, pc, especially the part in the beginning about striding into the blizzard and then confessing it wasn’t quite that bad. Sounds like you all had a lot of fun with the snow, and I know how much you like it when it snows. We had snow this week too, and it was really peaceful. Loved that photo of the snow on the cedar. I know you’ll be out there frolicking again this weekend — have fun!


    1. Thanks, Jet! You’re right, snow brings a certain peace, aural and visual, and an opportunity to slow down, take it all in. This is more true in places where snow falls infrequently, or melts away quickly. We’ve had a few more flurries, and if it keeps up, the children might yet get half a snowman built…
      Have a great week ahead!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Delightful post PC. It all sounds so peaceful, cold yes, but so beautiful. I love the way our canines embrace the weather, whatever it is. Enjoy the weekend Adam and, if you still can, build a snowman for me! 🙂


  6. Wonderful photos and after just a year on the coast I laughed at your new definition of a blizzard (glad to know you weathered your way through that centimeter of snow)! It’s always fun to watch dogs enjoying the snow and I agree with Wayne that Scout would like you to make a snow dog. It appears Chelsea is going to be no help this weekend with Man City leading 4-0 and I can’t believe Man United is in 4th place. I don’t know how you manage to drag yourself back to work from your breaks by the water. Loved the Prosperity photo and hope you’re enjoying another beautiful weekend on the coast!


    1. Thank you! We had another “blizzard” today, much like last weekend, and managed to survive a long dog walk. Wayne’s snowdog was Scout covered in snowflakes!
      Chelsea imploded, and I wonder if Liverpool can cope with the pressure City is beginning to pile on? Spurs still in the running too… exciting stuff. And Everton tanked again! I think Man Utd have to give Ole Gunnar the job full time – especially if they beat PSG this week.
      Hope you had a great weekend, and have a fine week ahead!

      Liked by 1 person

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