Unmoored (2m/6ft)

We had a pretty good road trip back to the coast last week. It was strange to be traveling in these socially distant times, with caution and uncertainty over new protocols very evident. What was lovely was how considerate people were – at gas stations, the hotel, and on the ferry. Kind, friendly, creating space, and aware of each other, maybe this can continue post-pandemic?

Coquihalla Highway High

Anyway, rather than write a heavy-on-boring-details account of our Trans Canada Highway drive, I thought I’d describe it through a set of song titles from the playlist. All tracks are by my new favourite band you won’t have heard of, Gays in the Military. They hail from the PNW and here are the songs, most found on the album “Your Devoted Son, Ned”:

1. Coquihalla Highway High

2. Runaway Lane

3. Drooping Hemlock Tip (huh?)

4. ManBaby in Orange/Unmoored

5. Taking A Knee


6. 2m/6ft

7. Queen of Alberni

8. Duke of Duke Point

9. Cargo Pants Capacity

10. Sovereignty/Taking Back Control (How do you like me now?) feat. Oops, I’m A Unicorn

11. French Roast Alarm

12. Green and Blue feat. West Coast Pale

13. Bonus track, Chicken Kibble Again? feat. Sad Mutt

So there you have it, a new band, some new songs, and they all seemed to fit with being on the road last week. I don’t know, does this seem likely?

Chicken Kibble Again? OK!

Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

All the right notes, wrong coast

PS Alright, I’ll come clean. When the ferry unmoored from the Tsawassen dock, my own mind untethered from reality as I sat in the sun watching the mainland recede. An unhinged mind, free from the shackles of whatever was shackling it, came up with a make believe band and their first album. If they were real, they’d be huge, in an understated indie scene way. I’m thinking a modern day sound influenced by Joni Mitchell, Leonard Cohen, and Bob Dylan, with a hint of plaid commentary and I’ll play the drums. Sounds good, eh? How modest of me. If you’d like further liner/sleeve notes, feel free to ask in the comments below. Every song title has a story…

Green and Blue

PPS I think it’s clear I should return to some proper employment. I start back next week, and my only regret is I won’t have time to focus on the often difficult second album. I agree, a musical loss. Perhaps a future project…

PPPS Imagine my surprise when I checked to see if there is/was a band called Gays in the Military. Well, confirming there is rarely anything new under the sun, they already exist, with an album released in 2005. Having played a couple of tracks, you’ll be happy to know I think my future project is still a go.

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I am a would be outdoorsman - that is if I had more time, skills and knowledge. When I can, I love being outdoors, just camping, hiking, snowboarding, xc skiing, snowshoeing, paddling a canoe or trying something new. What I lack in ability, I make up for in enthusiasm and having a go. I'd never really survive for long out there in the wild, but I enjoy pretending I could if I had to...

15 thoughts on “Unmoored (2m/6ft)”

  1. Interesting song titles and the band? Been done before? Happy for you that you are home by now. New smells, new brews. I drove the Coquihalla, up in the clouds. Are you teaching again? It sure sounds different with shorter days and less kids in class, then doing it all over again with a different group. Take a deep breath of sea air and I know you and Scout and Mrs PC have been meandering along the beach.


    1. Thanks, Jane! Very happy to be back on the coast – especially happy to have avoided the heavy weather in southern AB yesterday. Yikes.
      Yes, the Coquihalla is a memorable drive, best enjoyed in fine weather. Did it once in snow, and never again.
      I like to pretend I’m a retired teacher, and my work these days isn’t as a school board teacher – I work for a local First Nation in local schools and the community, supporting education from K-post secondary in different settings. No two days are the same, and that’s fine by me. It’ll be interesting, and a challenge, to see how education will work in a pandemic context…
      I hope all is well with you!


  2. Wonderfully unmoored! A musical travelogue to the PNW. You had me going there from the start because I thought I’d heard of this band, but the song titles are romantic & stellar– my favorites are probably “Cargo Pants Capacity” & “French Roast Alarm” reminding me not so much of Joni or Leonard but maybe my hero Captain Beefheart.
    What a howl, Adam! I hope the coast brings you a lot more fun like this.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Walt! Must have been the sea air. Cargo Pants Capacity is an important issue when heading out. I’m happy to say French Roast Alarm had a happy ending.
      We’re hoping to stay happily unhinged as we get back into the coastal swing of things.
      I should check out Captain Beefheart…


  3. Loved the photo of Scout and the boats and enjoyed the imaginary album of your road trip! Once I was done laughing, I must admit I wondered how severe the time warp was between city and coast life, that it probably is a good idea you have to report to work soon and did you by chance stop for mushrooms along the Coquihalla Highway. Belma & Louise was a perfect choice for the trip and if you do discover a group that combines the great talents of Joni Mitchell, Leonard Cohen and Bob Dylan please let me know (not sure about the drums though). I would like further notes on all the songs, but you can definitely start with the lyrics to ManBaby In Orange/Unmoored. It is a musical loss that your day job is going to interfere with the next album!! Glad you guys made it home safely and it was wonderful to see the coast again! Good luck on the return to work!


    1. Thank you! The lyrics to ManBaby in Orange/Unmoored read suspiciously like a long rant. Won’t get much radio play, and there will be one of those Parental Advisory labels stuck on the cover.
      The loss to music is sad, but I’m looking forward to getting back to work, whatever that might look like in the next few months. It’s been tough on the kids missing school – well, they were missing their friends at school! – and we’ll be exploring what “normal” could look like come September…
      Very happy to be back on the coast, and Scout has chewed through what seems like several logs already!
      Enjoy the week ahead!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Very interesting titles, you’re right I haven’t heard of the band or the songs but they tell a story in themselves! Glad you got to hit the road and I have to admit even here, people out there seem generally kinder and more considerate. I hope it stays that way. Hope too that all’s well with you. 😊


    1. I’ve just seen you’ve been on a bit of an OldPlaidCamper catch up here – thanks, but yikes, I write it and only in small doses!
      The band and songs were all totally made up. A sure sign it is time for me to get back to something resembling work. I shouldn’t be let anywhere near a microphone or musical instruments. I admire musicians and singers like yourself – it takes real nerve and ability to perform. I could never do it!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Haha, well you have a fine and lively imagination my friend. Which is a good thing in these crazy times. You keep doing what you’re doing. Stay well too. Cheers from down under. 😊


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