Messing about…

…in boats! Oh, alright, we don’t have a boat, but ever since the courses last week, I’ve been keeping a beady eye on boats around here – more so than usual…

Too big?

I’m very pleased to report all the participants passed the other two courses, the Marine Emergency Duties on Friday, and the Restricted Operator Certificate (Maritime) for VHF radio, on Saturday. Now all we need is a small vessel to put theory into practice!

Too old?

We’ve been enjoying glorious weather, and Scout has insisted we stop and look at all the boats in the harbours. She’ll take me up and down the docks early in the day, then absolutely insist we go back later with Mrs. PlaidCamper, to show her our favourites. It’s quite a long list.

Lovely colour!

I give Scout a pat on the head for being a good dog on the docks, especially when we see harbour seals and river otters, and Mrs. PC gives a gentle shake of the head whenever we slow down at a particular vessel. The head shaking is a bit more emphatic each time we approach the Tromso. To be honest, I’m always surprised – and delighted – she’s still afloat. I don’t know if the price is falling in line with her water position. There’s a little less freeboard each passing season…

“Lovely colour?! Seriously? She’s no Tromso… Ooh, is that a seal I can smell down here?”

A very brief piece this week, as I scramble to catch up with myself after a week away from regular duties, and then start to get items sorted for an upcoming long weekend away off the grid. Yup, we’ll be heading to our destination in small vessels. Perhaps one of them needs a vastly inexperienced maritime OldPlaidCamper at the helm?

Any of these? Nope.

Thanks for reading, and have a wonderful weekend!

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I am a would be outdoorsman - that is if I had more time, skills and knowledge. When I can, I love being outdoors, just camping, hiking, snowboarding, xc skiing, snowshoeing, paddling a canoe or trying something new. What I lack in ability, I make up for in enthusiasm and having a go. I'd never really survive for long out there in the wild, but I enjoy pretending I could if I had to...

12 thoughts on “Messing about…”

    1. Thanks, Margaret! I now have a little knowledge – a dangerous thing…
      To date, I’ve only felt seasick once, when a stationary zodiac was rising and falling on a swell, and we were in fog and far out from the coast. Not fun, but once we got moving, all was well.
      I hope you’re enjoying your weekend!


  1. Really enjoyed this visit to the docks, pc, and your photos show beautiful calm days and a variety of boats. I love to go on boats, especially if I don’t get seasick, there’s something so freeing and invigorating about them. But the upkeep is enormous, so I’m always happy someone else is doing that part. Have a really great time preparing for your long weekend on the boats, and what a blast the trip will be. Cheers, my friend.


    1. Thanks, Jet! Yup, I’m quite happy heading out on a boat – in calm conditions – and often wonder if we could get a small craft. Then I look at the upkeep, compare that to our bank balance, and the decision is made! Fun to dream about…
      I hope you’re having a great weekend!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m one of those guys who gets seasick all too readily (hell, I get seasick on a swing!) so it’s hard for me to picture heading out in a pleasurable way, but I wish you a great time on the water this weekend. I’ll admit that old tin can the Tronso looks romantic with an air of honorable use and personal history. I’ll bet cruising it with a fishing pole and a case of local brews would be historic.


    1. Walt, you’re a guy with great ideas when it comes to the Tromso – she absolutely should be cruising (in calm seas) with a couple of lines off the back and a decent stock of good beer. A few more (tall) tales could be added to her story…
      I hope you’ve had an enjoyable weekend!


    1. Thanks, Jane! We’ve been spoiled for blue in recent weeks, but I think it’s about to change to grey, and just about as the long weekend comes along… oh well!
      I hope you’re enjoying the weekend!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Love the photos and I’m sure as much as Scout loves watching the seals from the docks that she would love to be able to spend her days guarding the docks on the Tromso!🙂 I really thought when Brighton scored the first goal against Man City that Liverpool had a chance, but that quickly changed. Great season and I’m looking forward to the Liverpool/Tottenham final in the Champions League. Hope you had a wonderful time out on the water and maybe there will be a bargain price on the Tromso on your return.🙂


    1. Thank you! Yes, what an exciting final day in the Premier League – and even Everton looked like winning for about thirty seconds. A wonderful season, and still two all Premiership European finals to enjoy.
      The Tromso used to have a (very) low for sale price in her window, but that’s not been visible for quite some time. I like to think an offer has been made, and she’ll be restored to her former glory…
      Will Harper be a kayaking companion at some point? (If Scout is to join us, we’re going to need a bigger boat!)
      Enjoy the week ahead!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Only slow boats for me – and calm seas! Got four days out at Effingham over the long weekend, and it doesn’t look too bad. Might be testing how waterproof the tent seams are overnight Saturday, but no heavy rain in the forecast.
      Hope all is well with you, and you get some cabin time!

      Liked by 1 person

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